An Unexpected Mission

“He will wipe away every tear from your eyes. There will be no more death, nor affliction, nor crying, nor pain, for the old things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

In 2015, while working as a doctor in a hospital, I received a call to an unexpected mission, my last mission trip to another country, the Middle East. Our destination was Iraq, where a group of volunteers were preparing to help people in refugee camps. The country issued a 15-day temporary visa and only accepted my presence, as a woman, for medical care for women and children.

With the knowledge and training acquired in Brazil, we embarked on this journey. Upon arriving, we met a person who had already lived there for years, dedicated to missionary work. He would be our guide, explaining in detail what we should do and where to start our volunteer work.

In the first few days, I realized that it was like nothing I had experienced before. The children were shy, and people's looks were different. It was a huge cultural shock. We were in the middle of a local war; a terrorist group invaded cities and towns, stealing, arresting women and children, and killing men and teenagers. I had never encountered so much suffering. The concern of those people went beyond the fear of disease; it was the constant fear of losing my life.

In one of the refugee camps we visited, I met a girl rescued from the hands of terrorists. She wanted to tell her story, and since I was the only woman in the group, she felt more comfortable talking to me. His story needed to be heard so that everyone could understand what was happening in that part of the world, so far from our customs and daily concerns. I had no idea what I would find and it was shocking, almost indescribable, to live this experience. What happens there, in that corner of the map, is unimaginable for many of us.

God is everywhere, knowing the suffering of every human being, searching hearts. One day, He will return and all sin will cease, along with all suffering, evil and pain. Our hope is that when Jesus returns in the clouds of heaven, the last tear will be shed. We long for the joy of seeing all evil eradicated from the earth forever.

2 Responses

  1. I wouldn't have the courage at that moment, but I believe that God gives courage when we need it. It's amazing how He can turn fear into strength, and affliction into hope. As I read this passage and the account of his mission in the Middle East, I am in awe of his courage and faith. Facing such a challenging environment, in the middle of a war, and witnessing so much suffering, is something that many of us would not be prepared for. However, it is comforting to know that God is present everywhere, wiping away every tear and deeply knowing each person's pain. One day, all pain and suffering will be eliminated, and we will live in a world without death, grief, or crying. This hope strengthens us, reminding us that even in the most difficult situations, God gives us the courage we need.

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