Bringing Healing and Restoration: The Power of Christ to the Sick

This world is a vast field of suffering, but Christ came to heal the sick and proclaim deliverance to Satan's captives. He was full of health and strength and shared His life with the sick, afflicted, and demon-possessed. He did not reject anyone who sought His healing power, even though He knew that many had brought sickness upon themselves. When the virtue of Christ entered these afflicted souls, they were convicted of sin and many were healed of both their spiritual and physical illnesses. The gospel still has the same power and we can witness the same results today.

Christ feels the anguish of every sufferer. When evil spirits destroy the human body, Christ feels the curse. When fever consumes vitality, He feels the agony. He is as willing to heal the sick now as when He was personally on earth. His followers are His representatives, the channels for His healing work. He wants to use His power through them.

In the way Christ healed, there were lessons for His disciples. On one occasion, He anointed a blind man's eyes with clay and ordered him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. The blind man obeyed and came back seeing. Healing could only be accomplished by the power of the Great Healer, but Christ used the simple instruments of nature. Although He did not approve the use of medicines, He sanctioned the use of simple, natural remedies.

To many of the afflicted who were healed, Christ said: “Sin no more, lest something worse happen to you.” With this, He taught that illness is the result of violating God's laws, both physical and spiritual. The misery of the world would not exist if human beings lived in harmony with the Creator's plan.

These lessons are for all of us. There are conditions that we must observe to preserve health. Everyone must learn what these conditions are. The Lord is not pleased with ignorance regarding His laws, whether natural or spiritual. We must cooperate with God in restoring health to body and soul. We must also teach others how to preserve and restore their health. For the sick, we must use the remedies that God has provided in nature and direct them to the only one who can restore them. It is our job to present the sick and suffering to Christ in faith. We must teach them to believe in the Great Healer and trust His promise, praying for the power of His manifestation. The essence of the gospel is restoration, and the Savior wants us to ask the sick, the desperate, and the afflicted to draw upon His strength.

The power of love was present in all of Christ's healings, and only by participating in this love, through faith, can we be instruments of His work. If we neglect our divine connection with Christ, the current of life energy cannot flow abundantly from us to people. There were places where the Savior himself could not perform many miracles because of people's unbelief. Likewise, unbelief separates the church from His divine assistance. Your authority over eternal realities is weakened. Through lack of faith, God is disappointed and deprived of His glory.

We can cooperate with God in restoring health of body and soul in several ways. Here are some suggestions:

1. Seek knowledge: We must learn about the laws of health and the guidelines that God has given us to preserve our health. This includes taking care of your diet, exercising regularly, getting adequate rest and having a balanced lifestyle. Furthermore, we must seek spiritual knowledge, studying the Word of God and strengthening our faith.

2. Practice healthy habits: We must put into practice the knowledge we have acquired, adopting healthy habits in our daily lives. This includes making healthy food choices, engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough rest, and taking care of our emotional and mental well-being.

3. Be an example: By living by the principles of health and faith, we can serve as an example to others. We can share our knowledge and experiences with those who are looking to improve their health and well-being.

4. Pray and trust in God: We must pray for the restoration of health, both for ourselves and for others. We must trust that God is the Great Healer and that He can bring physical and spiritual healing. It is important to have faith and seek God's guidance and strength in all circumstances.

5. Be compassionate and care for others: We must be attentive to the needs of others and offer support and care. We can refer people to qualified health professionals and also share the message of hope and healing that we find in Christ.

Cooperating with God in restoring health to body and soul requires commitment, discipline, and trust in His guidance. As we do our part and trust God, we can experience restoration and be instruments of His healing work in the lives of those around us.

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