About Us

Commitment to Truth and Innovation in Journalism

Theology Student Gazette

Theology Student Gazette is a platform dedicated to providing relevant news, insights and resources for theology students around the world. Our newspaper is not just a source of information; is a vibrant and engaged community committed to promoting learning, reflection and growth within the field of theology.

Our compromise:

1. Focus on Truth and Integrity:
– We are committed to reporting accurately and honestly, providing theology students with reliable and unbiased information.

2. Innovation in the Theological Context:
– We constantly seek innovative ways to approach theological questions, remaining faithful to the rich tradition of theology while exploring new perspectives and ideas.

3. Transparency and Responsibility:
– We value transparency in our operations and strive to be accountable for our work by listening carefully to feedback from our readers and responding to their concerns.

4. Relevance and Impact:
– Our goal is to be a source of relevant and impactful information for theology students, addressing current issues and offering valuable insights for their academic and spiritual formation.

Our mission:

The mission of Theology Student Gazette is to be a trusted and inspiring voice in the world of student theology, empowering students to critically engage with their faith, their study, and their world. We strive to be a welcoming and inclusive community where all theology students feel valued, supported, and empowered in their journey of learning and growth.

Writing and editorial team:


 Rebeca Hayanne MM Maia, I have a degree in Law from the University in Caruaru-PE, Brazil, and was born in 1987. Studying Theology at the University of Washington. My story begins in Cachoeirinha, a city forty kilometers from Caruaru, where my parents, avid evangelizers, started a congregation. It was in this context that I was born and, since I was a baby, every weekend I accompanied my parents and my brother in evangelization, where we were welcomed by our brothers in their homes for evangelistic work.
I grew up immersed in the Word of God and in my parents' love for the work of proclaiming the Gospel. As a teenager, I recognized Jesus as my Lord and Savior, making my profession of faith and dedicating myself to the Lord's service with all my heart. I actively participated in praise teams, being one of the founders, alongside my brother, of the performing arts team for evangelization for young people and teenagers at the Central Presbyterian Church of Caruaru. I also became involved in evangelism for the deaf and mute.

Because I liked to praise, I joined the praise team and the choir, which at Christmas time we sang in hospitals and shopping malls in the city. Additionally, I was an instructor and choreographer of Christian music at Life Escola Evangélica.

My husband, also a Christian, is the son of a pastor, and together we have two children who are blessings in our lives. When I arrived in the United States, I participated as a volunteer in social actions with food distribution. And so I'm on this new journey of Supporting the University of Washington Student website.


Elizabeth Moraes is a highly qualified medical professional whose commitment to professionalism and excellence is evident in all facets of her career. Her comprehensive education includes a Medicine degree from UniFOA, Brazil, and an Associate's degree in Diagnostic Imaging and Ultrasonography from ASA College, where she distinguished herself as an exemplary student.

Throughout her years of practice, Elizabeth has demonstrated exceptional patient care skills, showing compassion, empathy, and unwavering dedication to caring for others. Her ability to deal with complex medical situations, combined with her tireless work ethic, makes her a respected and admired figure among colleagues and patients.

Additionally, Elizabeth is recognized for her ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both with her teammates and patients. His ability to explain complex medical procedures in an accessible and reassuring way helps to establish a trusting relationship with those he serves.

As the newspaper's Author, Elizabeth incorporates these same principles of professionalism into her writing, ensuring that each story is presented in an objective, respectful and informative manner. His commitment to journalistic accuracy and integrity ensures his reporting is credible and impactful for readers.


Karla Amorim é uma missionária dedicada e uma figura inspiradora que tem impactado milhares de vidas ao redor do mundo. Com uma forte presença digital e mais de 23 mil seguidores nas redes sociais, Karla compartilha sua fé e propósito como “Filha de Deus” e “Serva de Cristo”, sempre guiada pela missão de interceder pelo Reino de Deus.

Além de sua atuação missionária, Karla é uma intercessora comprometida, levando orações e palavras de encorajamento para aqueles que mais precisam. Sua trajetória é marcada pelo compromisso com a obra de Deus, utilizando sua plataforma para disseminar mensagens de amor, esperança e transformação espiritual. Seja por meio de reflexões bíblicas, momentos de louvor ou vídeos edificantes, Karla inspira seus seguidores a viverem uma vida de fé e a colocarem Cristo no centro de suas decisões.

No campo profissional, Karla é também uma enfermeira obstetra experiente, com anos de trabalho em estados como Mato Grosso e Tocantins. Atuou como educadora em universidades e escolas técnicas, dedicando-se ao ensino e à formação de novos profissionais. Desde os 12 anos, quando sentiu o toque do Espírito Santo, ela se comprometeu a fazer a diferença, levando palavras de alívio e conforto espiritual às pessoas. Durante sua atuação em partos, foi sempre a primeira a segurar os bebês, e sentiu-se edificada por Deus para ser um canal de luz e esperança para trazer novas vidas ao mundo. A experiência de receber essas vidas em suas mãos inspirou-a a também guiar pessoas a um “novo nascimento” em Cristo.

Em sua atuação missionária, Karla tem um chamado especial para trabalhar com crianças e jovens, conduzindo projetos que os preparam para serem uma “geração eleita, sacerdócio real e guerreiros do Reino”. Seu objetivo é capacitá-los para frutificarem com poder e unção de Cristo, sendo testemunhos vivos neste mundo. Karla também atua no ministério de intercessão, pois acredita firmemente que uma das obras mais edificantes ensinadas por Cristo é a oração. Além disso, ela é uma discípuladora, moldando novos seguidores de Cristo com os ensinamentos da Palavra Sagrada. Agora , debaixo de uma palavra de Deus (Isaías 61) ela veio destinada aos Estados Unidos cumprir o seu chamado missionário no preparo para um grande avivamento.

Para Karla, toda obra no Reino de Deus é grandiosa e edificante, e sua paixão por honrar e glorificar o nome do Senhor reflete-se em cada aspecto de sua jornada. A união de sua experiência profissional, seu chamado missionário e sua paixão pela verdade cristã faz dela uma adição valiosa para nossa equipe editorial, onde suas contribuições certamente enriquecerão o impacto e a qualidade do nosso jornal.


Débora Bianchini nasceu no Rio de Janeiro no dia 12 de abril, filha do Pastor Benigno Bianchini e Mariângela Bianchini. Vem de uma família de forte tradição religiosa, sendo neta dos missionários Marcos Teixeira e Ângela de Araújo, bem como de Getúlio Bianchini e Maria Zacarias Bianchini. Desde cedo, Débora vivenciou uma caminhada espiritual profunda, sendo batizada com o Espírito Santo aos 10 anos e, no ano seguinte, batizada nas águas.

Débora é mãe dedicada de dois filhos abençoados, Gabriel Bianchini e Karen Bianchini. Ela construiu sua formação acadêmica na área de Direito, graduando-se pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior Presidente Tancredo Neves. Sua vida é pautada pela fé, pela família e por seu compromisso em servir a Deus.

Com uma trajetória marcada pela herança espiritual e seu próprio compromisso com o Reino de Deus, Débora Bianchini continua a ser um exemplo de dedicação e fé, sempre buscando seguir os passos deixados por seus antecessores missionários.

Director, Author and Editor

Everton Borba is a committed and experienced professional in the field of Information Technology, with a solid academic background and a successful career that spans more than a decade. With his experience as Executive Director at Tecbridge IT Solutions, he has demonstrated leadership, project management and customer relationship skills.

In addition to his IT proficiency, Everton also has a background in Theology, which adds a unique dimension to his leadership. His understanding of ethics and humanity, combined with his experience in technology, makes him a capable leader to direct the Faculty of Theology's student newspaper.

As Director of the Student Newspaper, Everton will bring an innovative and strategic approach to the role, seeking to promote editorial excellence, encourage student participation and ensure the newspaper serves as an effective platform to share ideas, debate theological issues and advance the academic community .

His passion for continuous learning, his ability to lead teams, and his deep understanding of the intersection of technology and theology enable him to play a significant role in guiding the student newspaper to continued success and relevance. With Everton Borba at its helm, the Faculty of Theology's student newspaper is positioned to prosper and stand out as a respected voice in the academic community.

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