God's Miracle

“E tudo quanto pedirdes em meu nome eu o farei, para que o Pai seja glorificado no Filho.” (João 14:13)


In 2012, I received the call to participate in my second missionary trip and I will share the story of this particular trip, as I experienced one of the most memorable experiences of my life. We all know that God performs miracles, but being a divine instrument and witnessing the action of the Holy Spirit is an indescribable experience.

Our destination was Guinea-Bissau, in Africa, where a group of 17 church volunteers, led by
Pastor responsible for missions, joined this journey. We go through training,
we became familiar with local beliefs and culture, and were made aware of the predominant religion
in the region, where 45% are Muslims and 50% are animists, worshipers of the god “Wrath”, a
representation of the devil. Many people served these beliefs out of fear and were unaware of the
existence of God.

We had several points of evangelism and medical care, and I dedicated myself
mainly to care for women and children. The services were numerous, perhaps
exceeding 100 per day, and most of these people had never received medical care in
Your lives. On a Monday morning, at one of the care locations, a 12-year-old boy arrived, brought by his family, in terrible conditions. He could barely move, he was lying on a board, his body completely swollen, unable to open his eyes or speak. The family informed us that he had been in this state for two months.

As a doctor, several possible diagnoses crossed my mind, however, given the
precarious conditions and lack of resources to carry out exams or arrange hospitalization
hospital, we did what we could with the donated medicines. There was a medicine that
could help, but in my mind, it was clear that this boy needed to be hospitalized
urgently and receive intensive care.

His condition was an emergency. His name was Bob, and his face was on my mind. As the days went by, I visited him, but his swelling was barely getting better. On Friday, we held an evangelistic project for children, and to my surprise, Bob appeared at the window, wrapped in blankets, with difficulty moving, and his eyes still swollen, but a little better.

He was watching the movie I put on for the children to watch, and I invited him to sit next to me and watch the movie with me. He smiled without saying a word, and then went
away to his home. The next day, during another evangelistic project, Bob appeared again at the same window, watching what was happening around him, still wrapped in his blanket. I looked at him and invited him once again to sit next to me.


When I saw Beto sitting next to me, a clear and determined voice echoed in my mind: “Pray for
Beto’s cure.” That voice made me a little scared, because I wasn't sure if it was the voice of
God. I was afraid that people around us might think I was using witchcraft
or something similar, since local beliefs were quite different from ours.

As a doctor, I was also afraid, as I was not used to praying publicly for healing. It was then that I asked God for a sign to confirm that it was He who was instructing me to pray this prayer, something I had never done before. On that occasion, as I walked hand in hand with Beto in the rain, I asked for a sign. I silently said to God, “If it is You, God, asking me, may the rain stop and may all the clouds that covered that place dissipate.” To my surprise, as I took the third step, the rain suddenly stopped and the sky opened up, revealing a large, radiant sun.

Although I was impressed by this event, doubt began to arise within me. An internal struggle began, questioning whether it was all just a coincidence. Once again, I turned my thoughts to God and asked for another sign, confessing my foolishness and unbelief. I begged for a meeting with Bob’s family at their home, where everyone could agree with my prayer to God. I wanted Bob’s parents to be present to give their consent, and that no family member would be absent.

When I arrived at Beto’s house, I found his father waiting for us. I asked about his mother and he said that she had gone out, but to my surprise, she suddenly appeared. I then asked if the whole family was present, and his father replied that not only his parents and siblings, but also his cousins, uncles and all the family members were there.

At that moment, I felt an inexplicable strength and courage that I had never experienced before.
I then decided to pray for Beto's complete healing and asked each member of the family if they would consent to pray for his healing, not invoking the god they worshipped, but rather my God, the Creator, who through Jesus Christ would bring about the healing, since the God I served was more powerful than any other.

Like a sudden rush, everyone agreed, forming a circle and joining hands. I held Beto’s and his father’s hands and began to pray. Healing words flowed from my mouth, pleading the name of Jesus in Beto’s life. It was not for my own glory, but for the glory and honor of God, through Jesus Christ, that I interceded. I asked that everyone in the family free themselves from the clutches of the god Wrath, by removing all the cords they wore on their bodies, because in the region of Guinea, many devoted to the devil wore these cords. The family accepted without objection, and even used their teeth to remove the cords.

I could hardly believe what I was witnessing. I was living an experience that deeply moved me, feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit in that place, the supernatural presence of God.

Two days passed and we returned to the village. I went straight to Beto's house and asked where he was. His father, unable to speak, just pointed to a skinny boy, whom I barely recognized, playing soccer with his friends.

It was a true miracle from God! The following week, Beto was baptized and received physical and spiritual healing. Later, I learned that he had become a pastor and continues to be a great evangelist.


This experience taught me lessons I will never forget:

  • Healing, when it comes from God, is complete, both physically and spiritually. That is the first lesson I learned.
  • Another important lesson is to never doubt God’s power. He is ready to release blessings to those who believe in His power.
  • God waits patiently, searching our hearts and knowing us intimately.
  • He provides us with experiences so that we can learn more each day about His power and the miracles He has in store for all who accept Jesus as their Savior and Redeemer.

The power of prayer is greater than we can imagine, because how can the human voice reach the
ear of God, and our petitions find acceptance in the heavenly courts? The light that came from
heavenly portals and fell on the head of our Savior, will fall on us as we pray
asking for help.

“And in that day you will ask me nothing. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” John 16:23-24

One Response

  1. What a powerful testimony! Beto's story is living proof of the transformative power of faith and prayer. God truly works miracles in our lives when we surrender to Him. May this experience inspire many to trust in the Lord and seek His presence at all times.

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