The Fullness of Times: Providential Conditions for the Coming of Jesus Christ

“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Gal. 4.4-5
To carry out a major civil construction project, experts say that good planning is necessary, in which the stages will be described, always taking into account the execution time.
Similarly, in the Divine economy, there was not only planning, but execution in time, which the Apostle Paul called “The Fullness of Times”.
The word plenitude means “whole, complete, in its totality, in its integrity” and there was no better expression to be used by the author of the letters to the Galatians in relation to the Sovereign Lord, who sent his Son to rescue us and make us his own. children by adoption.
What were the conditions of that time that made the time ripe for the coming of Jesus Christ?
One condition was the Pax Romana. The Roman Empire dominated the world in those days and there was a certain peace among the nations, thus avoiding wars.
Another condition was the opening of roads throughout the empire that facilitated the movement of people between nations, therefore, the preaching of the Gospel could go from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
Another condition was the international language of the time, introduced by Greek culture, a language that was used by the authors of the New Testament to write the Gospels, the book of Acts of the Apostles, the letters of the Apostle Paul, the general letters and the book of Revelation, These scriptures preserved God's genuine message for those who would believe in the ages to come.
With the conditions met, the time God determined had arrived. The son was sent, born of a woman, that is, he became a man, was born, died and rose again to rescue us from the empire of darkness and adopt us as children of God
To God be all the glory!

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