The Big Lie: The Illusion of the Soul's Immortality

Since the beginning of humanity, the promise of a life of disobedience given to Adam was the first great mistake. The serpent in Eden proclaimed, “You shall not surely die,” a sermon that introduced the notion of the immortality of the soul. This concept, supported solely by the authority of Satan, echoes in the pulpits to this day, accepted as readily as by our first parents.

The divine sentence in Ezekiel 18:20, “The soul that sins shall die,” is clear in its message. However, many misinterpret this to mean that the sinful soul will live eternally. If God had allowed Adam and Eve access to the tree of life after the fall, sin would have been immortalized. However, God prevented any member of Adam's family from eating the fruit that gives eternal life. Thus, there is no immortal sinner.

After the Fall, Satan instructed his angels to instill in people the belief that they are naturally immortal. Once this error was accepted, evil angels led people to believe that sinners would live in eternal misery. Now the prince of darkness paints God as a vengeful tyrant, who delights in plunging the disobedient into hell, watching them writhe in eternal flames. In this way, the one who originated all evil projects his own characteristics onto the Benefactor of humanity. Cruelty is satanic. God, on the contrary, is love.

Satan is the enemy who tempts us to sin and, if possible, destroys us. It is offensive to teach that God tortures the wicked dead in an eternally burning hell, suggesting that for the sins of a brief life on earth they suffer torment while God lives. One minister stated: “The sight of the torments of hell will increase the happiness of the redeemed forever, making them aware of how happy they are.”

But where is such a teaching in the Word of God? Will the redeemed exchange compassion for cruelty? No, such ideas do not find support in the Book of God. In Ezekiel 33:11, God declares: “'As I live,' says the Lord GOD, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their way and live. Convert, turn from your evil ways! Why should you die?'”

God does not delight in endless torture, nor is he satisfied with the screams of suffering creatures. Such sounds cannot be music to the ears of Infinite Love. It is a terrible blasphemy to suggest that God's glory is increased by the perpetuation of sin over the centuries.

The true divine message is one of love and redemption, not eternal torment. It is essential to return to the scriptures and understand the true nature of God and his plan for humanity. The belief in the immortality of the soul and the eternal suffering of sinners is a big lie that needs to be unmasked.

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