Os Oito Remédios Naturais-1º REMEDIO: AR

Brazilian pharmacology records a frightening figure of 40,000 types of medicines sold in our country. This situation becomes even more bleak when we realize that the pharmaceutical industry does not produce enough medicines to meet market demand. Unfortunately, the high consumption of medicines is a panacea and, worse, an aggravating factor: the more medicines, the more illnesses.

Here is the divine prescription: PURE AIR, WATER, SUNLIGHT, REST, PHYSICAL EXERCISE, FOOD, TEMPERANCE and TRUST IN GOD – these are the true remedies.

“Let every living thing that has breath praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6
Man can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. All life depends on air. From the first moment of life at conception to the end at death, every cell, tissue, and organ needs oxygen to function and live. The health benefits of fresh air are plentiful. With the sun rising and setting in the late afternoon, there is no better time to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. Every cell in your body, and therefore every function of your body, depends on a constant, fresh flow of oxygen. If you stay indoors or in an air-conditioned environment for long periods of time, you can breathe the same air over and over again, making it stuffy and stale. Simply getting outside and breathing in some fresh air can have many health benefits.

  1. 20% of the oxygen you breathe is used by your brain to function. Increasing the amount of fresh air you get can provide greater clarity to your brain, promoting optimal functioning and helping you think, focus and concentrate better.
  2. Serotonin release is affected by the amount of oxygen you have in your blood. Serotonin promotes feelings of happiness and well-being, so getting more fresh air can significantly improve your mood. This is often why you feel better, more relaxed and much more refreshed after getting outside.
  3. Fresh air is good for your lungs. When sitting indoors, it’s common to breathe shallowly, drawing air into the top of your lungs, which is known as apical breathing. When you’re outdoors, moving around, walking or running encourages increased diaphragmatic breathing. This means you breathe more deeply, drawing more air into the bottom of your lungs. Not only does this bring more oxygen into your cells, it also helps your lungs expel more toxins from your body into the air. This, in turn, helps you cleanse from the inside out.
  4. Breathing fresh air can help reduce airborne diseases and infections. This is because bacteria and viruses have a reduced chance of surviving outdoors. This is compared to the warm, humid indoor environments where they thrive.
  5. Increased oxygen improves the function and efficiency of every cell in your body, improving the function of everything your body does. This ranges from hormone production, digestion, tissue renewal, muscle contraction, etc.

Fresh air is free to all of us, so get outside and get ready to take a deep breath!

The only way to get oxygen is through breathing. That’s why it’s so important to take deep breaths of fresh, clean air. However, many people deprive themselves of this precious element for a healthy life. They wonder why their thoughts are dark and sad, and why they suffer from pain and suffering, all because they have forgotten how to breathe properly. Many people have lost the ability to breathe the way the body naturally should – using the abdomen. For this reason, breathing exercises are necessary.

First of all, it is necessary to correct your posture. An upright posture has many advantages: it improves breathing, helps blood circulation, increases the prospect of longevity and improves personality.

Among the first things to be observed is correct posture, both when sitting and standing. God made man upright and intended him to possess not only physical but also mental and moral benefits: grace, dignity, composure, courage and self-confidence, which an upright posture tends to promote significantly.

Now we are able to learn correct breathing, called diaphragmatic breathing. Follow the instructions:
a. In an upright position, place your fingers under your lower ribs.
b. Inhale slowly with your mouth closed. Normally, your lower ribs will expand.
c. Expand your chest as much as possible while inhaling. At the peak of your breath, inhale as much as possible and, with your fingers under your ribs, pull your chest outwards.
d. With your mouth open, expel all the air. When you finish exhaling, push your ribs with the palms of your hands. Cough to expel the rest of the air.

This way, you have learned how to breathe correctly. These exercises should be practiced daily.

1. To maintain good health, you need to breathe correctly. Breathing deeply and fully, with pure air, fills your lungs with oxygen, purifies your blood, gives it a vibrant color and sends it like a vitalizing torrent to all parts of your body. Good breathing:
a. Calms the nerves;
b. Stimulates appetite;
c. Improves digestion, which leads to deep sleep and refreshes the soul.

2. The lungs are continually expelling impurities and need to be constantly supplied with fresh air. Contaminated air does not provide the necessary supply of oxygen, and the blood reaches the brain without this vitalizing element. Hence the need for adequate ventilation. Living in closed and poorly ventilated places, where the air is stagnant and stale, weakens the entire organism, which becomes particularly sensitive to the influence of cold, and even a slight exposure can lead to illness.


  1. “Let every breath be a prayer.”
  2. “Prayer is the breath of the soul; it is the secret of spiritual power.”
  3. “In the matchless gift of His Son, God has enveloped the whole world in an atmosphere of grace as real as the air that circulates around the globe.” All who breathe this life-giving atmosphere will live and grow into complete men and women in Christ Jesus.
  4. The countenances of men and women who walk and work with God express the peace of heaven; they are surrounded by the heavenly atmosphere. For these souls, the kingdom of God has begun.


  1. It is important to know how to breathe, but the most important thing is to know how to pray.
  2. Jesus advised us, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” Mark 14:38.
  3. We must acquire the habit of praying.
  4. With every breath we take, we should thank God for being alive. Let us tell Him about our needs and aspirations, because “He cares for us.”

To be continued…

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